- 和其前辈雏形机“追日者一号”(曾分阶段飞越北美)和“追日者二号”一样,“追日者二人组号”的外形就是一架配备了推进器以及机翼面上装有大量太阳能发电电池的滑翔机。
- Like its predecessor prototypes , sunseeker I ( which once flew , in stages , right across north america ) and sunseeker ii , sunseeker duo looks like what it is : a glider with a propeller and lots of solar cells to generate electricity on the upper surface of its wings .
- “二重奏”操作系统的电压为300伏,高于“寻日者2号”的200伏,其目的是降低通过6米长电缆传输电力时的损耗;这些电缆为机尾方向舵上方的电动机输送电能。
- The system will also run at a higher voltage-300v , up from 200v in sunseeker ii-in order to reduce transmission losses along the six metres of cables that carry power to the motor at the back , just above the rudder .