- 阅读是项积极的脑力活动。
- Reading is an active mental process .
- 而其他大脑区域表现不活跃。
- Other brain areas are less active .
- 所有性活动频繁的女性都易感染艾滋病。
- All sexually active women can be vulnerable to hiv infection .
- 儿童和大中学生仍然骚动不安。
- The schoolchildren and students remain restless .
- 法国人民心怀恐惧与不安,他们希望看到不同。
- The french are fearful and restless and want something different .
- 焦躁不安的年轻精英分子是不希望接管政府的。
- There is no restless young elite that wants to take over the government .
- 就像上周舞弊选举所表现的那样,尼日利亚满是精力充沛的企业主人才。
- As last week 's vote-rigging showed , nigeria is bursting with energetic entrepreneurial talent .
- 它无疑还应更加积极地推动对超级富豪征税。
- And it should certainly be more energetic in taxing the super-rich .
- 法国人民也意识到萨科齐在欧元危机期间所做出的积极努力。
- The french also recognise mr sarkozy 's energetic efforts during the euro crisis .