- 你以为杀死我哥哥是件好事,因为他是个拿破仑党,而你是一个保皇党!
- You think that it was a good deed to kill my brother , who was a bonapartist , because you are a royalist .
- 他肯定不是在干好事情。
- That he is not enroute to a good deed .
- 医治失望的最好方法是做件好事或泡个热水躁。
- The best cures for despair are doing a good deed or soaking .
- 一个爱管闲事的公众人士
- A meddlesome member of the public
- 教师们正在讨论那些被他们认为是爱瞎管的父母们。
- Teachers were discussing the parents they regarded as meddlesome .
- 使用干涉的方式探索或者询问。
- search or inquire in a meddlesome way .