- 吼猴们在地震一来就发出了警报呼叫。
- The howler monkeys sounded an alarm call just after the earthquake .
- 救援医疗包吼叫信口哨的探险。
- Rescue howler whistle by adventure medical kits .
- 今年至今为止,还没有候选人犯过令人捧腹的致命错误,但是确有好几次小摔跤。
- So far this year , no candidate has committed a fatal howler , but there have been several slips .
- 朗赫利认为,最安全的庇护所是顶部和侧面都是金属制造的汽车,或者是一栋结实的房子。
- Ron holle says the best shelter is a car with metal top and sides or a typical house .
- 您好,欢迎致电嘉梦依袜业有限公司,正在为您接通,请稍侯。
- Holle , welcome to send a telegram to jiamongyi socks industry limited company , is putting through for you , please wait .