- 为什么奶奶不去上社会网呢?
- Why doesn 't grandma social network ?
- 妈,外婆可没去过所有的国家。
- Mom , grandma did not go to every country .
- 去我外婆家,一次有趣的拜访。
- And there 's the funny visit to my grandma .
- 每个周六我们都会去看望爸爸,奶奶和那个老式糖果柜台。
- We went to see papa , granny and that penny candy counter every saturday .
- 奶奶的话:至今为止,这是听起来最靠谱的旅行方式。
- What granny would say : now this sounds like the most sensible way to travel .
- 小红帽熟睡在奶奶的床上,甜蜜地躺在大灰狼温柔的怀抱。
- Sweet and sound she sleeps in granny 's bed , between the paws of the tender wolf .