- 鲁布托反驳道,授权的商标是一种颜色或是多种颜色,其性质是一样的,比如古奇的条纹就是他的商标。
- Louboutin retorts that granting a trademark to one or several colours , such as gucci 's stripes , is the same .
- 与该集团的旗舰品牌gucci相比,这个品牌非常小。
- The brand is very small compared to the group 's flagship gucci label .
- 亲爱的,今天有一家新gucci店开张。
- Darling there is a brand new gucci shop opening today .
- 我想你得到答案了。
- Guess you have your answer .
- 我想你可以这样说。
- I guess you could say that .
- 那是最有可能的猜测。
- A. that 's the most likely guess .