- 桌面套件中的aureliareporter尤其让人印象深刻。
- The new aurelia reporter in desktop suite is particularly impressive .
- 圣约翰旅馆的管理层早已在邓肯蒙罗的套房内摆好了一张按摩台。
- The management of the hotel st. john had set up a massage table in duncan munro 's suite .
- 所有测试由phoronix测试套件进行。
- The phoronix test suite facilitated all testing .
- 扁平化设计就是这样-一切都是平的。
- Flat design is just that flat .
- 扁平化设计是漂亮的、可爱的设计。
- Flat design can be both beautiful and charming .
- 仅可能地把衣服平放,以减少褶皱。
- Lay them flat as often as possible to reduce wrinkles .
- 我得油漆我的公寓.
- I have to paint my apartment .
- 她并没有给她的公寓喷漆。
- She did not paint the apartment .
- 我不得不卖了房子,搬到一个小公寓房里。
- I had to sell the house and move to a small apartment .
- townsley于2010年10月9号在洛杉矶国际机场被逮捕,当时他正在从墨西哥回加拿大的途中。
- Townsley was apprehended at los angeles international airport oct. 9 , 2010 , while he was en route from mexico to canada .
- 各种服务的花销持续增加,婴儿潮一代正集体步入该项目的覆盖范围。
- The cost of services continues to rise , and baby-boomers are now entering the programme en masse .
- 自由太阳号从休斯顿起程,已经在苏丹的一个港口卸下了数千吨援助食品,在途中要为蒙马萨送去更多的援助物资。
- The liberty sun , which set off from houston , had already delivered thousands of tonnes of food aid to a port in sudan and was en route to deliver more aid to mombasa .