- 这包括厚重的电池壳,还有所谓的渗透性聚合隔板,用来防止电池组内部的电极相互接触,引起短路。
- This includes a stout casing and what is known as a permeable polymer separator , which stops the electrodes in the cell touching each other and causing a short circuit .
- 相反,它分泌胶质后,使用它与沙子一起构建自己的壳,与淡水石蛾幼虫的构建方式相同。
- Instead , it secretes a glue and uses this to stick bits of sand together to form its casing , in the way that a freshwater caddis fly larva does .
- 油箱上应连接一个储油柜或漏斗,用以使油箱中的油面达至足以使安装其上的套管内腔充满油的水平。
- The tank shall be connected to a storage cabinet or funnel , used to make the oil tank in the face to make installation on the casing cavity filled with oil level .
- 衬套中的凹槽必须与螺杆的孔对准。
- The recesses on the bushing must align with the bores of the studs .
- 挡渣球、石英套管。
- Residue stop ball , quartz bushing .
- 无需再使用螺纹衬套。
- The threaded bushing will no longer be needed .
- 正在往袖子上缝一个纽扣。
- Is sewing a button to her sleeve .
- 他挽起了他的袖子。
- He rolled up his sleeve .
- 我发现我拽着我爸爸的衣袖。
- I find myself clutching my father 's sleeve .
- 有一天,一个女裁缝坐在河边干活时,不小心把顶针掉进了河里。
- One day , when a seamstress was sewing while sitting close to a river , her thimble fell into the river .
- 思嘉看见他手里拿的是爱伦的金顶针。
- Scarlett saw it was ellen 's gold thimble that he held .
- 这有点像玩视觉版“丢手绢”游戏。
- It is a bit like playing a visual version of hunt the thimble .
- 第三个因素就是地铁。
- A third is the tube .
- 有时候,咽鼓管会功能失调。
- Sometimes the eustachian tube may malfunction .
- 然而,地铁已经被削减了。
- Yet the tube is already being trimmed .