- 正在往袖子上缝一个纽扣。
- Is sewing a button to her sleeve .
- 他挽起了他的袖子。
- He rolled up his sleeve .
- 我发现我拽着我爸爸的衣袖。
- I find myself clutching my father 's sleeve .
- 星期六晚上,海盗乘坐一艘小快艇靠近这艘游轮,用自动步枪向驾驶台扫射。
- The pirates drew alongside the liner in a small speedboat on saturday night and sprayed the bridge with automatic rifle fire .
- 各国际船舶代理企业不得为未取得经营资格或已丧失经营资格的国际班轮运输业务经营者提供代理服务。
- No international ship agency can provide service for international liner shipping business operator with no or lost business qualification .
- 虽然你能够在几乎每一处海滩上购买到防晒霜,但是如果往游轮上运送遗忘的食糖,就需要动用直升机了。
- You can buy tanning lotion on almost every beach but the delivery of forgotten sugar to a cruise liner needs a helicopter .
- 衬套中的凹槽必须与螺杆的孔对准。
- The recesses on the bushing must align with the bores of the studs .
- 挡渣球、石英套管。
- Residue stop ball , quartz bushing .
- 无需再使用螺纹衬套。
- The threaded bushing will no longer be needed .
- 因为他穿着一件美国政府的夹克?
- Cause he wears a u.s. government jacket ?
- 他指着一件夹克问到。
- He said , indicating a jacket .
- 但在我让他脱去外套之前,想要捕捉到他的魅力却不容易。
- It was hard to capture his charisma , until I asked him to take his jacket off .
- 那人哼哼着稍微动了一下身子,脸暴露在月光下,原来是莫夫波特。
- The man moaned , writhed a little , and his face came into the moonlight . It was muff potter .
- 你听说过格莱墨马夫吗?
- Do you know glamour muff ?
- 她把事情搞得一塌糊涂。
- She makes a muff of things .
- 将真空管路插入橡胶套中。
- Insert vacuum lines into rubber sleeves .
- 拆下催化转化器和连接套。
- Remove catalytic converters and connecting sleeves .
- 带袖子的限量版被套。
- Limited edition duvet covers with sleeves .