- 他们的设计获得了奖金。
- Their design has a bonus feature .
- 有些企业提高了奖金额度。
- Some businesses sweetened the bonus pot .
- 奖金的事让我大为恼火。
- I am furious about my bonus .
- 美国股市现在获得了溢价。
- U.s. stocks now fetch a premium .
- 这事实上就是买了一份保险,不过保费却相当高昂。
- That is effectively an insurance policy with a very expensive premium .
- 影响消费者购买的最主要的因素是最高奖金金额的数量。
- Eg. the amount of premium was the main factor to influence consumer behavior .
- 多巴胺控制愉悦和奖赏的感觉。
- Dopamine controls feelings of pleasure and reward .
- 这看起来就像是对经营失败的奖赏。
- This looks like a reward for failure .
- 市场不再奖赏金融工具的复杂性和不透明性。
- Markets no longer reward instruments for complexity and opacity .
- 买得慷慨加入一个csa
- Buy into bounty -- join a csa
- 也许,是时候让银行的股东们改变这种慷慨大度的行为了。
- It may be time for the owners of banks to mutiny over the bounty .
- 自从最后的几只狼被慷慨的猎人杀死或赶走后,敌人只剩下了人类。
- Ever since the last wolves had been killed or driven off by bounty hunters , no enemy but man remained .