- 兄弟四人靠着抚恤金过日子,四个人都不会过日子,每天下馆子吃饭,驰大妈让马学武放弃学业到工厂工作。
- Brother four people , four people living by pension will live and everyday restaurant to gallop aunt let maxuewu quit school to work in factories .
- 他骑着马飞奔而去。
- He rode off at a gallop .
- 驰骋在竞争激烈的时代。
- Gallop in the fierce times competing .
- 你赶时间的时候,会从商店偷东西吗?
- Do you shoplift when you 're in a hurry ?
- festinalente(从容赶急)是我们从古罗马人那里继承来的忠告。
- Festina lente hurry slowly is advice we have inherited from the ancient romans .
- 该机场官员说,不过这名乘客的地勤人员拒绝这样做,而且发了火,说这位乘客要赶时间。
- But the passenger 's ground support agents refused to do so and got upset , saying the passenger was in a hurry , the airport official said .
- 到南极去不必匆忙。
- You can 't rush to antarctica .
- 罚点球时千万不可匆忙!
- Don 't rush penalty kicks !
- 在愤怒达到一定程度时,血液真的会冲上大脑。
- Blood really does rush to the head during a fit of anger .