- 你必须把它们带到户外。
- You have to carry them outside .
- 我们应该带什么去格利泽581?
- What should we carry to gliese 581 ?
- 并非所有的蚊子都携带有疟疾病毒。
- Not all mosquitoes carry malaria .
- 思嘉还心惊肉跳地头一次看见了北方佬的制服,那是彼得大叔用鞭子指给她看的一队垂头丧气的北方兵,他们正由一小队上了刺刀的南部联盟军押送到火车站去。然后运往俘虏营。
- And with her heart in her throat , scarlett had her first sight of yankee uniforms , as uncle peter pointed with his whip to a detachment of dejected-looking bluecoats being shepherded toward the depot by a squad of confederates with fixed bayonets , to entrain for the prison camp .
- 这些脑细胞就像是人体内部的生物钟,有的具有大约24.5个小时的自然节律(因此一个人处于黑暗之中,渐渐地,他与白天的同步性会降低);其他的脑细胞则可以根据眼睛感应的昼夜循环来维持这一生物钟。
- These brain cells actas the body 's internal clock . Some maintain a natural rhythm of roughly 24.5 hours ( thus a human kept in the dark will gradually fall out of synchronisationwith the day ) . Others entrain that rhythm to the light and dark cycles detectedby the eye .
- 您投下您的拼写和乘火车所有我。
- You cast your spell and entrain all that I am .
- 为了将这些商品偷运回家,他们会在汽车里藏满货物,仅将一小台电视机留在显眼的位置。
- To smuggle it home , they would fill the car with hidden goodies , leaving a small tv ostentatiously visible .
- 近日,警方抓获一对夫妇企图从香港偷运价值数十万美元的商品从到大陆。
- Recently , police nabbed a couple trying to smuggle hundreds of thousand of dollars in merchandise from hong kong onto the mainland .
- 就在本月初,厄瓜多尔警方截获了一艘潜水艇,藏匿在丛林里的毒贩建造这艘潜水艇就是要把毒品向北偷运到利润丰厚的北美市场。
- Earlier this month , ecuadorian police seized a submarine that had been built by drug smugglers in the jungle and was designed to smuggle drugs north towards the lucrative north american markets .
- 不,你们需要自己的婴儿床.
- No. you need your own crib .
- 母亲把蒂米安放在楼下的一个房间里,婴儿床是借来的。
- My mother tucked timmy into a borrowed crib in a room down the hall .
- 患病婴儿睡在一个医院外的圣达米安在港口外围保护篷布太子港周六的婴儿床。
- Sick infants slept in a crib protected by a tarp outside st. damian hospital in the outskirts of port-au-prince saturday .