- 他穿了一件合身的羊毛外套,脖子上围了一条丝质围巾。
- He wore a beautiful wool coat and a silk scarf knotted at his throat .
- 离开地铁站,我感到前所未有的认同感,这比我精心布置的头巾所带给我的还要强烈。
- I left the metro feeling secure in much more than the arrangement of my head scarf .
- 白天的时候,陈文海把头发盘在头上,用头巾包起来,看上去像顶着个篮子。
- In the daytime he balanced his hair on his head like a basket , protected by a scarf .
- 最终,门打开了,这个用戴穆斯林头巾的方式围围巾的人冲了出来。
- Eventually , the door was flung open and this guy with a scarf tied like a turban around his head came dashing out .
- 大多数抗议者认为,论战的焦点是描绘的进攻性:尤其是臭名昭著的是,他们把伊斯兰教的创始人描绘成一个在其长头巾里藏有炸弹的形象。
- For most of the protesters , the issue was the offensive character of the depictions : in particular , the most infamous of them which showed the founder of islam with a bomb in his turban .
- 阿富汗前总统布尔汉丁拉巴尼(burhanuddinrabbani)同时也是推进阿富汗政府和塔利班和平对话的核心谈判者,在喀布尔(kabul)被一名男子将藏在头巾里的炸弹引爆而刺杀死亡。
- Burhanuddin rabbani , a former president of afghanistan and the chief negotiator in peace talks between the government and insurgents , was assassinated in kabul by a man who detonated a bomb hidden in his turban .
- 草案的内容仍然保密,但谨慎透露的消息称将包括重大变革。
- The text , to be put before a referendum next month , remains under wraps , but carefully promoted leaks suggest it will include some big changes .
- 安妮塔伊普利芙头上包着鲜艳的印花头巾,从开放厨房的柜架上拿下些陶瓷茶杯。
- Anita epulef wraps her head with a brightly printed scarf and moves easily around her open kitchen , pulling clay teacups from the shelves .
- 除了危险的钉刺带,对付高速行车警察有新的一手:遥控乌贼(即速安车底止动装置)会用粘乎乎的触须包住司机的悬挂系统。
- An alternative to the dangerous spike strips used during high-speed police chases , the remotely activated squid ( safe and quick undercarriage immobilization device ) wraps sticky tendrils around the driver 's suspension .
- 他在餐巾纸顶部画了四条线,然后又画了第五条。
- He marked four lines at the top of the napkin , then a fifth .
- 但要注意的是:餐巾纸的颜色与所穿衬衣的颜色要相搭配。
- But try not to clash the colour of your napkin with your shirt .
- 你们是否拿过额外的一张餐巾纸,或两张,或20张?
- Eg. do you ever take an extra napkin , or two , or 20 ?