- 其中的一些文物能够在现在位于德国柏林的博物馆里看到。
- Some of those artifacts can be seen in a museum in berlin , germany .
- 当三峡大坝进行初步的挖掘工作时,考古学家发现了一些不同于他们以往所见的文物。
- When initial excavations began for the three gorges dam , archeologists uncovered artifacts unlike any they had seen before .
- 事实上,考古学家曾经在一个原始印第安人部落的文物中发现了有洞炸糕的化石。
- In fact , archaeologists found petrified fried cakes with holes amongst the artifacts of a primitive indian tribe .
- 波音要论证所有的补助都扭曲了竞争。
- Boeing is right to argue that all subsidies distort competition .
- 提高边际税率会扭曲行为并减少经济活动。
- Higher marginal tax rates distort behaviour and reduce activity .
- 这将会扭曲贸易但几乎不会带来任何收入。
- That will distort trade but raise almost no revenue .