- 他对非暴力抗议的承诺确保了天鹅绒革命没有流血。
- His commitment to non-violent resistance helped ensure the velvet revolution was bloodless .
- 香蕉是一个好的工具,而且为安迪沃霍尔的作品和地下丝绒乐队唱片的封面提供了参考。
- The banana was a good vehicle for that and it also worked as a reference to warhol and that velvet underground album cover .
- 从纽约的通用电气到洛杉矶的沃特迪斯尼公司,厚重的丝绒幕布正在全国范围内缓缓落下,因为这些公司正在把营销从公司管理之中分隔出来。
- From general electric in new york to the walt disney company in los angeles , a velvet curtain has descended across the country separating marketing from management .
- 带有标志的软丝绒地毯。
- Boot carpet in velours with logo .
- 休息室空间采用鲜艳的色调紫色和品红色天鹅绒和印有丰富图案的织物。
- The space incorporates vivid hues of purples and magenta with a hint of gold along with velvets and richly patterned fabrics .
- “举世无双的美丽公主,”西蒙说道,“请高兴地命令您的端庄优雅的宫女们收下这些漂亮的绸缎和天鹅绒。”
- " Fairest of princesses , " said simon , " be pleased to order these gracious ladies to accept the silks and velvets . "
- 正如穷理查所言:“丝绢绸缎,红衣绒布,使灶上没火。”
- " Silks and satins , scarlets and velvets , put out the kitchen fire , " as poor richard says .