- 或者是天市中的遥远的街灯。
- May be heaven 's distant lamps .
- 我感觉像是到了天堂。
- I thought I was in heaven .
- 怎么会容许这种事情发生,只有天知道。
- How this was allowed to happen , heaven alone knows .
- 有时,星宿名的相似性较为明显,例如,在宝瓶座的主要范围内和邻近天垒城(属显微镜座)的区域,有许多星宿名都带有军事含义(将军、军队、死囚等)。
- Sometimes the parallels are a little more striking , as in the case of the numerous stars with military significance ( generals , army , beheaded prisoners , etc. ) in the main field of aquarius , and the neighboring thien lei chheng ( celestial ramparts ) in microscopium .
- 天国里使徒、先知和圣人头顶的金色光环,对比强烈的天青色和朱红色颜料,历经六个世纪依然光辉夺目。
- The celestial array of apostles prophets and saints with their intricate golden haloes combined with contrasting lapis lazuli and vermilion is still vibrant after six centuries .
- 用另一种方式来说,在纬度为44度的地方,任何星星,只要低于天北极44度,都可以认为它是拱极星。
- Said in another way , at a latitude of 44 degrees any star will be circumpolar if it 's less than 44 degrees from the north celestial pole .