- 第一种是债务上限得到提高。
- First , increase the debt ceiling .
- 现在有更好的做法来取消债务上限。
- Better to scrap the debt ceiling now .
- 债务上限是美国特有的过时做法。
- The debt ceiling is a peculiarly american anachronism .
- 与其依靠长期气象预报,更安全的做法是带上雨伞或雨衣、暖和的套衫,同时也带上太阳镜和遮阳伞,即使这样做的代价是行李有点重。
- Rather then rely on long-term weather bureau predictions , it is safer to take an umbrella or raincoat and a warm pullover as well as sunglasses and a sunshade , even at the cost of slightly heavier luggage .
- 泰德摩根,skyhook的ceo,说这份备忘录揭示了谷歌街景车情况,与skyhook之间的竞争和手机跟踪之间的关系。
- Ted morgan , ceo of skyhook , said the memos help explain the relation between the google streetview car situation , the competition with skyhook and phone tracking .
- 天钩将会在正式投产前先运营两艘此类飞艇来测试市场反应。
- Skyhook will test the market by operating two such craft before any more are built .
- 事实上,他们几乎总是产生出一个天钩,那是某种无法解释的结果,没有它整体就要坍塌。
- In fact , they almost always invoke a skyhook , some unexplained result without which the entire structure collapses .