- 黎明之前的价差总是最黑暗的。
- The spread is always darkest before the dawn .
- 没人想过缅甸民主的曙光会像雷声一样迅猛出现。
- Nobody ever expected myanmar 's democratic dawn to come up quite like thunder .
- 自从商业化互联网初露曙光,技术就让内容黯然失色了。
- Since the dawn of the commercial web , technology has eclipsed content .
- 为了解决这个难题,我们在破晓时分探访了乌尔古特巴扎,在这里你可以买到经典的乌兹别克蓝白两色的瓷器,价格大约为一美元一件。
- To get around this , venture out at daybreak to the urgut bazaar , where you can pick up some classic blue and white uzbek pottery for about a dollar a piece .
- 当攻击行动在拂晓后不久展开时,人们可以听到枪声,但目前还没有关于伤亡情况的消息。
- Shooting was heard as the attack was launched shortly after daybreak , but there was no immediate word on casualties .
- 在拂晓前他们已经将敌人全部歼灭。
- Before daybreak they had already wiped out all the enemy troops .