- 天然保健补品更能造福你的内脏,以功能为最大容量.
- Natural health tonics can also benefit your internal organs , to function at maximum capacity .
- 由于学生们的游说,学校现在开设了天文gcse课程。
- Thanks to pupil lobbying , the school now offers the astronomy gcse .
- 各种专业非专业的天文团队在许多地方建立了安全的观测系统予以观测报道。
- In many places , professional and amateur astronomy groups set up safe observing systems .
- 星期六将有一个由天文专家主持的免费直播的火星冲日讨论组。
- But saturday there 'll be a free live streaming of the mars opposition , hosted by astronomy experts .