- 不过,即使有人认为这种操作在正常情况下有违欧盟条约,波兰仍坚持主张,在成员国退出欧元区的情况下,这种做法是正当的,因为欧盟条约根本未预见到这种情况。
- But even if one believed that such action was normally against the treaties , poland holds that it is justified in the case of a member state leaving the eurozone , simply because such an event is so unforeseen by the treaties .
- 与冰岛和拉脱维亚一样,爱尔兰经济开放、规模很小,金融业相对庞大,严重依赖外债,应对意外冲击的财政能力也有限。
- Ireland like iceland and latvia is a small , open economy , with a large financial sector , heavily exposed to foreign borrowing , and a limited fiscal capacity to cope with unforeseen shocks .
- 他们补充道,如果不出意外,具体价格谈判预计将在未来两周内开启。
- Detailed price negotiations were expected to start in the next two weeks , they added , barring unforeseen problems .