- 一个最新的启示是关于种族的。
- A more recent revelation concerned race .
- 但是在1978年,一个新的启示取缔了种族歧视。
- But in 1978 a new revelation revoked the colour bar .
- 索尼已关闭playstation游戏网络和同样受到影响的规模较小的qriocity流媒体服务,但推迟披露使其招致批评。
- It had closed down the playstation network and its smaller qriocity media streaming service , which was also affected , but the delayed revelation drew criticism .
- 问题还是被曝光了。
- And still the revelations come .
- 但这些丑闻的曝光对罗塞夫而言未必是好事。
- But the revelations are not necessarily a political gift for ms rousseff .
- 要了解维基泄密的此次曝光带来的后果还为时尚早。
- It is too soon to know what effect the leak 's revelations will have .
- 还有一个启示意义不大的解释。
- There is also a less apocalyptic explanation .
- 21世纪的第一次饥荒并没有造成世界末日的景象。
- The first famine of the 21st century has not become an apocalyptic spectacle .
- 然而许多玛雅人则认为,这个启示预言则是西方观点。
- But many ethnic mayans dismiss the apocalyptic predictions as largely a western idea .