- 霓虹灯闪烁的大都市,人们过着心烦意乱的生活。
- That neon-lit metropolis of frantic lives lived distractedly .
- 镜之边缘的这个未名城市,是一个若隐若现的都市,它看起来实际上像是个高速运转的社会。
- The unnamed city of mirror 's edge is a gleaming metropolis that actually looks like a high-functioning society .
- 这便是巴黎永恒的矛盾:为何它既是世界上最迷人的都市,又是最不友好的都市?
- It 's the eternal paradox of paris : why is the world 's most charming metropolis also the most unfriendly ?
- 有创造力的人聚集并不仅仅是他们想彼此围绕,也不是因为他们碰巧都选择了能提供各种兴事的世界性中心,尽管所有这些事都将成真。
- Creative people cluster not simply because they like to be around each other , or because they all happen to prefer cosmopolitan centers with lots of amenities , though both of those things tend to be true .
- 培养国际观及认色科技对全球环境的影响。
- Cultivation of cosmopolitan worldview and understanding global environment .
- 她的家有一种由她的环球旅行所激发的世界性的感觉。
- Her home has a cosmopolitan influence inspired by her travels around the world .
- 要加快经济增长,成为国际化大都市,上海必须关注全球发展动态。
- To speed up the economic growth and become an international metropolis ( a cosmopolis ) , shanghai is paying close attention to the global developments .
- 经过与巴黎的竞争角逐被承认为全球最顶级城市的伦敦这座拥有文化和经济发达的国际大都市向全球开放在2005年赢得了举办这个星球上规模最宏大的体育盛会(或许有可能是足球世界杯吧)的权利。
- In 2005 , winning the right to host the planet 's largest sporting event ( give or take the football world cup ) against competition from paris confirmed london as the ultimate global city , a cosmopolis whose culture and economy were defined by their openness to the world .