- 目前所以的关于阻止银行变成“太大而不能倒闭”的说法刚好印证了旧的原子论思维,但是事实上一个系统的最显著的地方恰好是最脆弱的地方。
- All the current talk of preventing banks from becoming " too big to fail " may reflect old atomistic thinking , when in fact the least obvious parts of a system may be its greatest source of vulnerability .
- 今天,所有淫秽的小贩摊位都在谈论移动成人内容。
- Today , all the big talk in the smut peddler circuit is about mobile adult content .
- 海口实验中学物理必修1模块终结测验(无答案)
- Physics of middle school of big talk experiment is mandatory 1 module is terminative exam ( without the answer )
- 某些公司同样用精湛的技术自夸。
- Some also boast superb technology .
- 没有哪个国家敢吹嘘有这么多。
- No other country can boast so many .
- 它最喜欢的自夸是它是世界上最大的援助提供者。
- Its favourite boast is that it is the world 's biggest aid donor .
- 虽然有幸认识有权势的公司老板和社交花蝴蝶,夸耀他们给的好处只会有损形象。
- Although you have the good fortune to know powerful business leaders and social butterflies , bragging about how many doors they 've opened for you will tarnish your image .
- 一些卖者是热衷尝试的业余艺术家,来是为了赚到吹嘘巧克力饼的权力和一点点零用钱。
- Some of the vendors were amateurs there on a lark , to earn brownie bragging rights and a little spending money .
- 不过要小心,别让人觉得你是在吹牛;那样的话会有损于你的成功机率。
- But be careful not to come across as someone who is bragging ; that could hurt your chances .