- 假设如果我们租的车会在我们接近乌克兰的边境时发出gps启动的信号的话,那我们到达柏林时估计它就会启动彩纸炮了。
- Presumably , if the rental car sends out a gps-activated warning alarm when you get near the ukrainian border , it deploys a confetti cannon when you arrive in berlin .
- 因为采用了大型泛光灯,大炮发射时散发的烟雾也能看见。
- The large flood light made it possible to also see the smoke from the cannon blasts .
- 相反,他们支持了一名民粹主义的萨拉菲斯特,阿布伊斯梅尔被党内元老认为是一支松散的大炮。
- Instead they backed a populist salafist , hazem abu ismail , who was dismissed by party elders as a loose cannon .
- 用火炮和战机消灭他们太耗时间。
- Hunting them down with artillery and aircraft takes time .
- 双方均动用了大炮与重型机枪。
- Both sides engaged in artillery and heavy-machinegun fire .
- 这些可能用于主战坦克,我猜会部署自行火炮。
- These may be used for mbts but I suspect self-propelled artillery .