- 为了选择特征,一个大障碍就是从胚胎中获得足够有用的dna材料。
- For trait selection , a big hurdle is getting enough useful dna material from the embryo .
- 为了选择特征,一个大障碍就是从胚胎中获得足够有用的dna材料。
- For trait selection , a big hurdle is getting enough useful dna material from the embryo .
- 当给ubuntu装备有用的应用程序时,有大量自由、兴旺的linux桌面软件来选择,在特性方面它们都与windows和mac中的对应者相同或更好。
- While ubuntu comes jacked with useful applications out of the box , there 's a big selection of free , thriving linux desktop software which matches or betters their windows and mac counterparts in terms of features .