- 在以往绝大多数的就职仪式上,新任总统一般都会向前任表示热烈祝贺,但奥朗德对萨科齐却态度冷淡。
- In contrast to most previous inauguration ceremonies , where the new presidents warmly congratulated their predecessors , mr. hollande maintained a cool demeanor toward mr. sarkozy .
- 他骨子里充满对完全没有爱的生活的恐惧,他的灿烂的面容和甜美的神态,他的活力,这些是怎么调和的,我弄不明白。
- I just can 't reconcile the horror of his conception and life , utterly without love , with his sunny countenance and sweet demeanor , his exuberance .
- 村民们和他的子女们同样认他作“老书记”,吴和蔼、慈祥的风度举止下埋藏着无懈可击的冷静和坚定。
- Known to villagers and his children alike as " lao shuji , " or old secretary , wu has a genial , grandfatherly demeanor that belies a hardheaded steeliness .