- 通过帕提亚王国摆脱塞留西统治,巴克特里亚也独立了。
- Cut off from the seleucid rule by the parthian kingdom , bactria also became independent .
- 采用限菌性动物实验的方法,对感染根管内几株常见菌之间在毒力学上的关系作了研究。
- The relationship of toxicity between prominent bactria of infected canals was studied in this article with animal monogerm tcst .
- 目的了解市级医院病房电话听筒上的带菌谱,为有效控制医院感染提供依据。
- Objective to understand the bactria spectrum of city hospital ward telephones for good control of nosocomical infection .
- 北约国际安全部队宣称:“一个塔利班领袖和两个随从在巴尔赫省被逮捕。”
- And a taliban leader and two associates were captured in balkh province , nato 's international security assistance force announced .
- 另一方面,在巴尔赫,超过58%的人处于贫困线以下,不过联军死亡人数就要少得多了:9年共死亡11人。
- In balkh , on the other hand , over 58 % of the population is poor , but the coalition has suffered many fewer deaths : 11 in nine years .
- 德国士兵巡逻在巴尔赫,10月15日阿富汗的城市。
- German soldiers patrol in the city of balkh , afghanistan on oct. 15 .
- 当这些柜门打开的时候,那里躺着巴克特里亚人的财富,完整无缺。
- When the doors to the safes swung open , there lay the bactrian treasure , untouched and intact .
- 三世纪中期,一个游牧民族的首领建立了帕提亚王国,它位于塞留西和巴克特里亚王国之间。
- In the middle of the third century , a nomad chieftain founded the kingdom of parthia , situated between the seleucid and bactrian kingdoms .
- 用光镜与电镜研究了我国35例双峰驼肝的解剖与组织结构。
- Anatomic and histological structure of 35 livers of bactrian camel in china were studied by light and electron microscopic techniques .