- 当时人们传说蒋介石想要仿照美国的做法,由他本人指定副总统。
- The story was circulated that the generalissimo wanted to follow the custom of the united states and name the vice-president himself .
- 但在他死去将近1/3个世纪之后,随着这位委员长的雕像被挪走、主要街道甚至是台北国际机场的重新命名,对这个从前的独裁者的记忆正在被抹去。
- But almost a third of a century after his death , the memory of the old dictator is being effaced , with the removal of the generalissimo 's statues and the renaming of many streets and even taipei 's international airport .
- 但这种想法直到内战的最后阶段才付诸行动,可见统治集团内部的反对派十分软弱无能,同时这也表明打倒蒋介石的力量主要来自下面,而不是统治集团内部。
- That this thought was never transmuted into action until very late in the civil war is proof of the weakness of the opposition inside the ruling group and also proof that the forces which defeated the generalissimo came primarily from below and not from within his own ranks .