- 假如骑士破产了,这一点都不意外。
- There would have been little surprise if knight had gone bust .
- 红衣骑士喊叫起来,同时从马上摔了下来。
- The red knight cried , as he fell offhis horse .
- 骑士的管理层和潜在投资者都意识到了他们没有时间来无休止地讨价还价。
- Both knight 's management and potential investors were aware that there was no time for prolonged haggling .
- 几天内我就能掌握这部分。
- I could master this within a few days .
- 世界将不会接受一个美国主人。
- The world will not accept an american master .
- 保罗克鲁格曼在这些方面都是大师。
- Paul krugman is a master of them all .
- matajuro成了一位伟大的剑客。
- Matajuro became the greatest swordsman in the land .
- 他站着的姿势活象一位芭蕾舞中的剑客。
- He stood like a swordsman in a ballet .
- 啊,剑手答道,你刚才没有很仔细地看。
- Ah , replied the swordsman , you weren 't watching very carefully .