- 在向北几百英里的地方,在广阔无垠的黑色大海上,似乎永远不会结束的黑夜中,他们遇到一群独角鲸正在向南游向海湾,这可能是本季第一批迁徙的独角鲸。
- Hundreds of miles north , in the endless blackness of ocean and near-permanent night , they had crossed paths with a pod of narwhals , perhaps the first of the season , making their way south toward the fjord .
- 在无尽的黑夜纠结冰冷。
- Weaves a bower in endless night .
- 在夜晚或周末,老巴刹掀起一阵热潮(但通常也更加拥挤),游客和当地人蜂拥而至,吃着沙爹烤肉,大口灌着虎牌啤酒(tigerbeer)。
- The market takes on a more festive ( but usually no less crowded ) vibe at night and on the weekends , when travellers and locals alike come down to eat endless plates of satay washed down with bottles of tiger beer .