- 每逢十二月,当黑夜笼罩在北极上空,南极洲就开始享受着极昼的阳光。
- Each december , while darkness engulfs the arctic , antarctica enjoys round-the-clock sunlight .
- 他忍受频繁的脑痫发作和需要他父母杰姬和约翰的廿四小时照顾,虽然他不是自闭的。
- He endures frequent epileptic fits and requires round-the-clock care from his parents jackie and john , though he is not autistic .
- 无论好坏,它的确模糊了人们工作与休闲的界线,培养了一种时时在线的交流方式,也引发了一系列关于如何正确使用智能手机的规则制定(当然,请不要在走路、开车以及处理其他琐事时玩手机)。
- For better or worse , it 's blurred the lines between work and home lives , made communication a round-the-clock habit and led to a host of new rules about when and how it 's appropriate to use smartphones ( not while walking , driving , playing trivia or on a date , please ) .