- 约翰逊和托马斯都已离世。
- Both johnson and thomas are dead .
- 托马斯.杰斐逊代表着平等的信念。
- Thomas jefferson represented the belief in equality .
- 像托马斯杰斐逊一样,亚伯拉罕林肯崇拜诗人。
- Like thomas jefferson , abraham lincoln adored poetry .
- 听明白了吗威尔多莫?
- You understand me , will dormer ?
- 有人肯定会说这种紧张的剪辑是为了展现dormer对于他自己遭遇的调查感到焦虑。
- Somebody is sure to reply that the nervous editing is aiming to express dormer 's anxiety about the investigation into his career .
- 专业承接采光天窗(航空有机材料),耐磨地坪,园林绿化等工程的安装和制作.
- Professional to take dormer daylighting ( air organic materials ) , wear-resistant flooring , landscaping and other projects and the production of the installation .