- 它既是原始、多变、兽性的,又是妄想的。
- It is at once primeval and protean , bestial and chimerical .
- 经证实,这一网络有一个优势,即适应环境的高度灵活性。
- And yet the network has one proven advantage : its protean ability to adapt to circumstance .
- 威默先生已经构思了一个足够复杂的谜题让你保持警惕,然而,多才多艺的澳大利亚手艺人诺伊先生的其它作品包括《爱国者游戏》以及《陌路小狂化》,他在空中扔出碎片,任其碰撞,爆炸,最后冲向地面。
- Mr. wimmer has constructed a puzzle just complicated enough to keep you alert while mr. noyce , a protean australian craftsman whose other credits include " patriot games " and " rabbit-proof fence , " throws the pieces in the air and watches them collide , explode and crash to the ground .