- 本周医学科学突然抨击美国医学消费主义的观点:花费越多越好,救命可以牺牲一切,卫生保健是重中之重。
- This week , the science of medicine bumped up against the foundations of american medical consumerism : that more is better , that saving a life is worth any sacrifice , that health care is a birthright .
- 性的真理是迫切性的,我们最好无论怎麽满足它,也不过份。
- Sexual truth is exigent and it is better to satisfy it a little bit more than not enough .
- 熟练的分析思考不应该被错误的、纯意识的观点误导,那些主观上的更多更好或者更少更好并没有价值。
- Skilled analytical thinking should not be drowned out by mistaken , ideologically driven views that more is always better or less is always better .