- 但法官们说外行人无法把握法律的复杂之处。
- Judges say that laymen cannot grasp the complexities of the law .
- 不过谁也没研究过午饭和外行人心情之间的关系。
- But nobody has studied what lunch does to laymen 's mood .
- 为专业人员和外行人写的书。
- A book written for professionals and laymen alike .
- 看来曾经的圈内核心人物彻底变成了圈外人。
- It looks like the ultimate insider has become a total outsider .
- 外人想一睹最终受益方的芳容,根本没有可能。
- Final beneficial ownership is impossible for an outsider to establish .
- 让外人来判断这些东西是否具有成本效益,这是不可能的。
- It is impossible for the outsider to judge whether these would be cost-effective .
- 摘要普通高校非职业舞蹈教育作为高校美育的一个重要组成部分,有其特殊的目的和意义。
- Nonprofessional dance education of common institutions of higher education , as an important part of aesthetics education of high school , has its specialy goal and meaning .
- 更令人担忧的是,推动非职业中产阶级的大多数动力无论在经济上还是文化上的都在向同一个方向发展。
- What is most worrying is that all of the most powerful forces pushing on the nonprofessional middle class-economic and cultural-seem to be pushing in the same direction .
- 这部电影讲述了一名警察调查和处理小偷小摸和碰瓷犯罪的故事,电影中的大部分角色由非职业演员扮演,在断断续续的叙述过程中融入了戏剧性情节和荒诞幽默的元素。
- The story of a policeman who roams the streets investigating and solving the crimes of small-time crooks and con artists , it 's populated by a cast of mostly nonprofessional actors and mixes drama with droll humor in a splintered narrative .