- 面包皮是否香脆欲滴取决于糖和淀粉的含量。
- The crust beauty depends on the amount of sugar and starch .
- 在外壳下面,尽管,是软和粉状的雪却使人陷入奇妙的快乐中。
- Beneath the crust , though , the snow is soft and powdery making falling into it oddly enjoyable .
- 硬质的地壳下,热的熔岩持续的流动,在流动的过程中产生褶皱。
- Hot lava underneath the hardening crust continues to move it along , forming wrinkles in the process .
- 奶酪螨虫被有意引入美莫勒,它们钻进奶酪的外皮,贪婪地啃着(这点与你我无异!)
- Cheese mites are introduced intentionally to mimolette , where they burrow into the rind of the cheese , gorging on it ( not so different from you or I ! )
- 用一束用百里香和欧芹捆绑而成的香草,一片月挂树叶和一片意大利干酪外皮制成一个香料包;
- A bouquet garni made with a few sprigs each thyme and parsley , and a bay leaf and a parmesan rind
- 黎恩和林德的这项研究还阐明了1998年全球极端平均气温的原因。
- Lean and rind 's research also sheds light on the extreme average temperature in 1998 .
- 其研究人员已经把干细胞变成了一种在神经细胞周围产生绝缘护套的细胞。
- Its researchers have turned them into a type of cell that produces the insulating sheath around a nerve cell .
- 气溶胶喷气首先将基于纳米颗粒的印刷材料分裂成微小墨滴,随后这些墨滴在鞘中气体的作用下集中到由喷嘴控制的精确气流中。
- Aerosol jet at first atomises nanoparticle-based print materials into microscopic droplets , which are then focused , using a sheath of gas , into a precise jet stream directed by a nozzle .
- 在绝缘套上只要出现缺口或者毛细裂缝,线缆里的铜周围的电场就会轻微改变。
- Whenever there 's a nick or hairline crack in an insulation sheath , the electrical field in the underlying copper subtly shifts .