- 我的妻子有点不高兴,把我的大衣给扔到窗外去了。
- My wife was a bit cross , and threw my overcoat out of the window .
- 我们知道的是,丹尼斯并没有成功到达,而他的外套却到了。
- What we know for sure is that denis didn 't make it , though his overcoat did .
- 天气渐冷,不穿大衣外出不行了。
- It 's getting too cold to go out without an overcoat .
- 我有坚硬的壳----海龟。
- I have hard shell ---- turtle .
- 带壳的山核桃,他们以前平均每磅只拿到2.30美元。
- They averaged $ 2.30 per pound last year for nuts in the shell .
- 因为拥有装甲外壳,飞行员能受到良好保护。
- The crew is thoroughly protected thanks to the armored shell .