- 好奇怪的新昵称啊。
- What a strange new nickname .
- 每个士兵都有一个绰号。
- Every soldier has a nickname .
- 他建议名字很难发音的人们考虑在求职时使用一个昵称。
- He advises people with really difficult names to consider using a nickname in their job search .
- 毫无疑问,北部得牢牢抓住“苏丹共和国”这个名字,所以用这个不太可能。
- The north will no doubt hang on to the republic of sudan moniker so that 's off the cards .
- 其实稀土并不像它的名字所说的那样稀有,只是很难发现浓度够高、开采出来在经济上划算的稀土。
- Despite the moniker , rare earths aren 't that rare ; rather , it is hard to find them in high concentrations that make mining them economical .
- 负责建立单一市场的殴盟委员会委员charliemccreevy也开起了这个丑名字的玩笑:“这可不是一个令人害怕的吃人工厂。”
- Charlie mccreevy , the european commissioner in charge of forging a single market , jokes about the ugly moniker : " this is not a fearsome man-eating plant . "