- 它们温顺的银行体系,高储蓄率与囤积的外汇储备构成了抵挡金融海啸最猛烈一击的盾牌。
- Their docile banking systems , high saving rates and hoards of foreign exchange shielded them from the worst of the financial chaos .
- 但是外国投资者对人民民主阵线的支持者们所引起的混乱和占领机场及政府部门的暴民们仍感到心有余悸。
- But foreign investors are still spooked by the chaos unleashed by the people 's alliance for democracy ( pad ) , the rabble that occupied the airports and the government 's offices .
- 在美国大学接受了教育的外国领袖们,多得不成比例,他们不得不去注意到,得到政治自由其实不必招致混乱。
- Foreign leaders are disproportionately educated at american universities , where they cannot help but notice that political freedom need not spell chaos .