- 洗涤完成后,分析布片上污渍的残留成分:鸡蛋中的蛋白、青草中的纤维素等等。
- After each wash they analysed the cloth for residual content from the stain : albumin from egg ; cellulose from grass ; and so on .
- 来自库巴复段夏布的菱形铁丝网,上面循环出现的加丹加符号代表了一个古老的流行和对曼卡拉种子游戏的回顾。
- The diamond grid of kuba riffs on grass cloth , the recurrent x 's of katanga represent an ancient currency , and mancala recalls a seed game .
- 崛起中的沙溪苎麻、夏布专业市场。
- Market of major of the sanded brook ramie in rising abruptly , grass cloth .
- 施瓦布试图避免这种情况,将可持续发展列为本周将要讨论的六大主题之一。
- Mr schwab has tried to avoid this by including sustainability and development among the six main themes of the week .
- 克劳斯施瓦布博士是世界经济论坛的创始人,现任其执行总裁。
- Dr. klaus schwab is the founder and executive chairman of the world economic forum .
- 世界经济论坛的创建者klausschwab认为,以往人们对非洲的嘲笑态度已被一种乐观的情绪所替代。
- Klaus schwab , founder of the world economic forum , says that cynicism about africa has turned to optimism .