- 专利局设立专利复审委员会。
- The patent office shall set up a patent reexamination board .
- 厦门大学哲学系2007年研究生考试复试内容和复试方式。
- Xiamen university philosophy department graduate student in 2007 have an exam reexamine content and reexamination way .
- 专利复审委员会宣告万艾可专利权无效的理由是。
- The patent reexamination board declared the viagra patent invalid because .
- 另外,在6-12岁之间,大脑是处于半催眠的状态。
- Also between the ages of 6-12 the brain is in a semi hypnotic state .
- 金正日(kimjong-il)看来将成为朝鲜最后一位拥有半神半人地位并独揽国家大权的领导人。
- Kim jong-il looks set to be the last north korean leader to enjoy a semi - divine status and rule the nation single-handedly .
- 准决赛、铜牌战、决赛。
- Semi final , bronze medal match , final .