- 盗贼官僚体制背后的逻辑是复杂的。
- The logic behind the kleptocratic system is complex .
- 关于薪水的争论是敏感同时复杂的。
- The arguments about pay are subtle and complex .
- 比例失衡这个问题非常复杂。
- The question is fiendishly complex .
- 关于媒体多元性的法规也语焉不详。
- The rules regarding media plurality are unclear .
- 决定不打这个赌、支持新民主党的选民似乎占了微弱的相对多数。
- It appears that a narrow plurality of voters decided not to take that bet and backed new democracy .
- 想想看,金融危机爆发前,就资产集中程度而言,银行业内部的资产更为分散。
- Consider that before the financial crisis , there was a greater plurality in banking in terms of concentration of assets .