- 梅达沃爵士的风采难以用任何风趣和灵活的言词加以描绘。……科学自传是一种难以弥补缺陷的文学体裁,但是,当它的撰写者为科学界的首相、完美人士、头号人物兼大牌明星时,却可以织补得天衣无缝。
- No one can match medawar for verbal wit and dexterity ...... the scientific autobiography is an irretrievably flawed literary genere , but when practised by premier , the nonpareil , the numero uno , the top banana of the profession , it can be the pretty darned good .
- 梅达沃爵士的风采难以用任何风趣和灵活的言词加以描绘。……科学自传是一种难以弥补缺陷的文学体裁,但是,当它的撰写者为科学界的首相、完美人士、头号人物兼大牌明星时,却可以织补得天衣无缝。
- No one can match medawar for verbal wit and dexterity ...... the scientific autobiography is an irretrievably flawed literary genere , but when practised by premier , the nonpareil , the numero uno , the top banana of the profession , it can be the pretty darned good .
- 梅达沃爵士的风采难以用任何风趣和灵活的言词加以描绘。……科学自传是一种难以弥补缺陷的文学体裁,但是,当它的撰写者为科学界的首相、完美人士、头号人物兼大牌明星时,却可以织补得天衣无缝。
- No one can match medawar for verbal wit and dexterity ...... the scientific autobiography is an irretrievably flawed literary genere , but when practised by premier , the nonpareil , the numero uno , the top banana of the profession , it can be the pretty darned good .
- 你也许恰好享受它。
- You may even enjoy it .
- 它是如何工作的呢?
- How does it work ?
- 这取决于很多因素。
- It depends on many factors .