- 选用上等牛皮,袋鼠防伪锦缎内衬,设计简约时尚,体现现代生活休闲新风范。
- Selection of the finest cow leather , anti-counterfeiting of bandicoot inner liner , simple fashion design , a new manifestation of modern life style of leisure .
- 生活的意义并不是东西的种类,今天,我们将之以“业余生活”的标题标出来:欢宴和谈话,歌唱和闲话,好的食物和美满的性生活。
- The meaning of life was instead predicated on the sorts of things that , today , we lump into the rubric of " leisure activities " : conviviality and conversation , singing and gossiping , good food and good sex .
- 如果说我过着悠闲自在的生活,那么发胖也情有可原,无话可说。
- If I lived a comfortable life of leisure , then obesity is excusable , would have nothing to say .