- 由于全球许多科技公司纷纷推出自己的平板电脑来与苹果的ipad一争高下,因此市场今年对闪存芯片有强劲需求。
- The market for nand flash chips has seen strong momentum this year as many global technology firms launch tablets to compete with apple 's popular ipad .
- 除了tinygoa以外,它没采取任何措施说服地区盟友:在2014年它有足够的力量或想法应对更强的挑战。
- Tiny goa aside , it has done nothing to persuade regional allies it has momentum or ideas for a strong challenge in 2014 .
- 苏格兰皇家银行(rbs)驻康涅狄格州的经济学家米切尔杰拉尔德(michellegirard)表示:“显然,美国经济带着良好的上行势头,迈着极其有力的步伐走进了2011年。”
- " It 's clear that the us economy is entering 2011 on a very strong note , with good upward momentum , " said michelle girard , an economist at rbs in connecticut .