- 最壮观的十大惊险桥梁。
- The grand sight top-ten is most alarmingly dangerous bridge .
- 大观贸易城南门,盈利中铺面,现有急事,低代价告急诚意转让!
- The door austral city of grand sight commerce , the shop front in gain , have urgent thing , low is sharp !
- 随着李娜狂喜地躺倒在罗兰加洛斯的红土地上,目睹历史上首次由亚洲人赢得大满贯单打冠军的全球网球行业高管们,必定也同样兴奋。
- As li na collapsed in the clay of roland garros in rapturous joy , the sight of the first asian to ever win a grand slam tennis singles title must have been almost as exciting for executives in the global tennis industry .