- 它可能需要长期一点点替换,但在紧急状况下它能保证结实坚固。
- It may need replacing in the long run , but it should be sturdy enough for emergency use .
- 在门内,westmoreland塞在门把手中的撬棍形成了一个坚固的门锁。
- On the other side , a crowbar westmoreland slid through the handle acts as a sturdy barricade .
- 这种匿名的、坚固的不锈钢标签比普通或有弹性的纸不知道好上多少倍。
- These anonymous and sturdy stainless steel tags are lightyears better than the flimsy old paper and elastic ones .
- 呼吁对于产品上的健康和营养的宣传作更健全的规管。
- Is calling for more robust rules on when products can make health and nutrition claims .
- 通过构建强健的体系,可以解决内部关联性问题。
- Interconnectedness is handled by building robust systems .
- 为什么印度强健的经济增长没有得到同样的赞颂呢?
- Why does india not get equal credit for robust growth ?
- 鲁尼的火爆脾气曾是他自己最大的敌人,但现在英格兰争夺世界杯的希望可全寄托在这个敦实的曼联前锋身上了。
- England 's world cup hopes rest on the stocky manchester united striker whose temper has been his biggest enemy in the past .
- 第三个是一个大斧头稍微短而结实的男人。
- The third was a slightly short and stocky man with a large axe .
- 尤弟二十七岁,身材健壮,讲话像南加州冲浪者。
- Yudhi is twenty-seven years old and stocky in build and talks kind of like a southern california surfer .