- 研究人员认为阿司匹林阻碍了一种在肿瘤内部促进细胞增殖的酶的活动。
- It is believed that it inhibits an enzyme that promotes cell proliferation in tumours .
- 专利扩散会在三点上给公众带来危害。
- A proliferation of patents harms the public in three ways .
- 他们发现,jq1关闭了激活myc的基因,减缓了骨髓瘤细胞的增殖。
- Jq1 , they found , shut down myc-activated genes and slowed the proliferation of myeloma cells .
- 标签会同时列出食用分量和每一分量中的卡路里和其他营养素的量,所以一点乘法或除法可能是必要的。
- Labels will list both serving size and how many calories and other nutrients there are in a serving , so a little multiplication or division may be necessary .
- 矩阵乘法依然让我迷糊,但是多次的实验和编程作业的错误修改之后仍然是可以搞定的。
- Matrix multiplication still twists my mind around , but it 's manageable with enough trial and error in the programming assignments .
- 据探索频道报道,海豚能够做复杂的非线性数学运算,包括加法,减法,乘法和比例比较等。
- According to discovery , dolphins are able to do complex , nonlinear math that involves addition , subtraction , multiplication and ratio comparisons .
- 生活的一些方面将节约并缩略增殖。
- Few areas of life are spared and acronyms and abbreviations proliferate .
- 由于良莠不齐的应用程序激增,移动设备上难免遭受恶意攻击。
- As apps proliferate , so will malware attacks on mobile devices .
- 干细胞必须到达骨折所在的位置、增殖并在适当的时候分化成成骨细胞。
- Stem cells must reach the site of the fracture , proliferate and turn into osteoblasts at the right moment .
- 对流体理论的理解,包括声音是如何通过流体传播的,从希腊到文艺复兴时期并没有多大的进展。
- The understanding of the theory of fluids including sound propagation through them made little progress from the greeks to the renaissance .
- 今天我们在编写植物的繁殖手册,研究种植稀有植物的最佳方法。
- Today , we 're doing propagation protocols , working out the best way of growing rare plants .
- 视频里所能看到的声表面波(saw)的传播测试为提供了一层地白霜所能支撑上面积雪重量是小得多么可怜的一个很好例子。
- The propagation saw test seen in this video provides an excellent example of how poorly a layer of hoar supports the weight of the snow above .