- 威斯敏斯特厅是议会大厦最古老的部分。
- Westminster hall is the oldest part of parliament .
- 这个大厅有许多的们和出口。
- This hall had many doors and openings .
- 整个大厅的人都在鼓掌。
- The entire hall was applauding .
- 给自己成长的空间。
- Allow yourself room to grow .
- 这个市场还有扩大的空间。
- There is room for growth .
- 给自己一些玩乐的空间。
- Give yourself room to play .
- 法庭里的男人欢呼不止。
- The men in the courtroom cheered .
- 但目击者在法庭之外谈论他们的证词并不受限制。
- Witnesses are not barred from discussing their testimony outside the courtroom .
- 但是法庭传言称,午饭过后的时间段优于午饭之前。
- But courtroom lore suggests that after lunch is better than before it .