- 高升杯基层建设征文竞赛辽河油田高升采油厂协力党的十六大提出加强和改进基层党支部建设。
- Rise construction of cup basic level calls for paper oil field of agonistic distant river rises cooperative 16th national congress of communist party of china puts forward oil extraction factory to strengthen and improve construction of basic level party branch .
- 党的基层组织是党的全部工作和战斗力的基础,企业尤其是国有企业党组织能否充当政治核心作用,在很大程度上取决于党支部书记的综合素质如何。
- The basic level of the party organizes the base of the complete work that is a party and fighting capacity , enterprise especially state-owned industry leading party group is knitted whether action of appropriative politics core , depend on greatly the integrated quality of party branch secretary how .
- 在基础的水平上,大多数的忧虑是不合理的,特别是在商业环境中。
- At a basic level , most fear is irrational , especially in a business context .
- 衬底温度对于无序区积累的影响是很显著的。
- The effect of substrate temperature on the accumulation of disorder is substantial .
- 本周发布于《先进材料》的这项研究的第一作者johnrogers说,“经过多年发展,尽管电子工业已经发展成及其复杂的技术形式,但所有现有的商用电子设备都以硅片作为支撑衬底”。
- " Although electronics , over the years , has developed into an extremely sophisticated form of technology , all existing commercial devices in electronics involve silicon wafers as the supporting substrate , " says john rogers , who led the study published this week in advanced materials .
- 用於在基板上形成耐热性导电图案的糊料组合物。
- Paste composition for forming heat-resistant conductive patterns on substrate .